Got Pain? Get MFR.
Myofascial Release is a gentle, hands-on technique that treats the source of your pain and releases patterns of tightness, tension, that are limiting your participation in life.
For more info scroll down, or book your first appointment to learn more and experience this first hand!
What is fascia?
Tough connective tissue that spreads continuously throughout the body in a 3-D web from head to foot.
Permits the body to retain its normal shape and maintain vital organs in their correct positions.
Allows the body to resist both internal and external mechanical stresses, at the same time as strength it gives us flexibility, elasticity, and shock absorbency.
It wraps around everything: muscles, bones, nerves, organs, blood and lymph vessels, right down to the cellular level.
microscopic view of fascia in the human body
Trauma, emotional stress, inflammatory responses, repetitive strain/postures or surgical procedures can create Myofascial restrictions.
when this occurs, fascia tightens, dehydrates, and loses its flexibility, and shock absorbency
restrictions can produce tensile pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain-sensitive structures.
do not show up in many of the standard tests (x-rays, myelograms, CAT scans, electromyography, etc.)
because the fascia is all connected, restrictions can reach throughout the body causing symptoms of tightness, pain, swelling, movement dysfunction, and misalignment.
What are Myofascial Restrictions?
When one area of the body is pulled out of alignment by a fascial restriction (seen in blue), it can cause other sites of restriction and pain that are distant from the original site.
The human body is self-healing; it is constantly seeking to reorder itself and responds to the environment for cues on how to do this.
MFR teaches your body how to unlock and access this healing ability!
Treating the whole body - realigning, opening, and rehydrating the fascia, and reinforcing balanced and efficient movement patterns restores equilibrium and ease within.
But here’s the good news…!!

“Myofascial Release is not just about feeling better, it’s about GETTING BETTER AT FEELING”
-John F Barnes, PT
MFR can help you with…
Shoulder pain
as an adjunct to Cancer Treatment
Unexplained Pain
Women’s health issues
Mental Health challenges
as an adjunct to Addiction Recovery
Neck Pain
Pelvic Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Pre and Post Surgery
Poor Posture
Back Pain
Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Disc Problems
Jaw Pain (TMJ)